Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank
Today was another pay period for Textbroker. I had an additional $225 in my PayPal account by 6:30 this morning. Since I am a geek when it comes to Excel spreadsheets, I devised an entire book to tracking my income, time spent writing, estimates of salary, income per word, income per hour, and a ton of other data that I find useful. My wife thinks I am adorable. I just like data.
In the past 7 days, I was only able to put an average of two hours per day writing content for various clients. If you think about it, two hours per day really isn’t that much. Between my other part-time jobs and a household of four, I am lucky that I was able to squeeze out two hours per day.
If I can manage to produce just three hours per week, I could increase my weekly income to $314. That’s nearly $100 more just for one extra hour per day. As I am level 4 now, I have access to a near endless stream of work, so I highly doubt that I will run out of articles. Now, I just need to put in the time for it.
The money I brought in today is also a reflection of 3.86 articles per day that I completed. If I was to produce at least 5 per day, my estimated income would be $288 per week. That would only need 2.75 hours per day of actual writing. It doesn’t sound all that bad when you look at it like that. As on of my clients usually loads me up with 5-10 articles every day Monday through Friday, I would only need to complete a few level 4 jobs over the weekend to make a huge difference in how much money I make.
That is my goal for this week. I am going to shoot for three hours per day writing. Do you know what is really sad about the whole thing? The two hours per day I spend writing on average brings in more money than my regular part-time job. I condense six hours of work for the school district into two hours of work writing content. And this isn’t even counting some of the work I complete for WrtierAccess – which pays me nearly twice what TextBroker does but with far less available work.
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