Using HTML in Textbroker

6 Most Common Forms of HTML in Textbroker to Use

Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank

One of the requirements for writing in Textbroker is being able to handle basic HTML. This doesn’t mean you need to be a website developer. However, it’s beneficial to get a handle of using HTML in Textbroker. And, it’s really not all that difficult to learn.

To be honest, it’s probably a good idea to learn these elements, anyway. A lot of private clients are going to want to know you can handle website formatting.

The biggest pain is knowing when to use certain elements when writing a piece of content.

Today, I’ll show you how and when to use certain HTML for Textbroker orders.

Here is my video on HTML formatting for Textbroker…

Using HTML in Textbroker

When some people think of HTML, they start to panic. In fact, I’ve heard the argument, “But, I don’t want to be a website developer.” However, knowing these methods will contribute to more than just writing in content mills.

They can be incredibly useful when you’re starting to get your own private clients. Not to mention how they can help if you decide to create a professional blog for your writing career.

Regardless, using HTML with Textbroker is a requirement for the initial order when you first sign up.

How HTML Works

When starting an HTML “tag” for any function, it starts with surrounding it with carets. So if you want something to be in bold, you’d start with an open caret, or “<” and then a close caret, or “>“.

These are the greater-than, less-than symbols.

If you wanted something to be in bold, you’d put: <strong>.

To end a function in HTML, you need to put a slash within the carets. This tells web browsers to stop the function. It would look like this: </strong>. Notice the “slash” right before the word “strong.”

So, if I wanted to put my name in bold, I would put: <strong>Michael</strong>.

1. Headers

OK, so headers are probably one of the most misunderstood and improperly used forms of HTML. In some cases, they can follow a one-size-fits-all format. But, there is a specific hierarchy to headings and subheadings within online content.

Not only are they different in sizes, but it’s believed they also contribute to SEO writing. That’s because each subheading is used to support the topic of the one above.

Sounds a bit confusing, I know. But it’s really not.

Let me explain…

Using H1

Let’s start with the <H1> header tag. This is usually reserved for the main “Headline” in Textbroker (or Title of the piece). In WordPress and other systems, it’s the actual title of the post.

When writing in Textbroker, you shouldn’t have to use <H1> in the body of your content. That is unless the client requests it as a start to the order, which is very rare.

Look at it like this; if your order is a book, the H1 tag is the title of that book.

H1 Header in Use
<h1>How to Use Headers in HTML Format</h1>

Using H2

The “<H2>” tag is what you’ll most likely use in terms of HTML in Textbroker. It’ll be the most common subheading size you’ll create for clients. These are the sections of content that are relevant to the title itself.

Sticking with our book analogy, <H2> are the chapters of the novel, but with a bit more description to the content underneath.

H2 Header in Use
<h2>Planning for Your Headers</h2>

In this example, it’s telling the reader the content under this particular subheading is focused on “planning headers,” which is directly relevant to the title.

Using H3

Using “<H3>” is like sub-points to whatever is in <H2>. This tells the reader the content below the subheading is relevant to the one above, just like how H2 is relevant to H1.

H3 Header in Use
<h3>Laying Out the Content</h3>

In this example, people would know that laying out the content is important to planning headings.

Other Heading Sizes…

Headings can go all the way up to “H6.” However, it’s very rare that you’ll use anything past H4 when doing HTML in Textbroker. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever used H5 in a single piece of content.


Not even for myself, and I’ve written some massive pieces of work.

In reality, you probably won’t go past “H3” in Textbroker orders. But, it’s good to know how they all work in the hierarchy for clients as well as yourself.

Here is an example of this specific blog post as laid out in headers. That’s because I like to plan the headings in advance before I start to write. That way, I stick to the facts and keep a good flow of writing going.

HTML Headings in Textbroker

Of course, you can add more to the headings as you write depending on the order in Textbroker. I often include or remove subheadings if they don’t fit or are needed in the article.

I also spaced them to show the hierarchy. You don’t need to space subheadings like this when writing content.

Compare the image above to how this post appears as a finished product. You can see how I laid everything out and then created the content.

Just note that I made some changes to the article as opposed to the screenshot. That’s because I’ll change things up a bit as I’m actually writing the content.

2. Using Lists

Lists are a very common element on the Internet. Not only do they separate text to make for an easier read, but they are efficient for keeping readers on a page while giving specific pieces of information.

There are two types of lists in HTML for Textbroker. They are: bullet and numbered. Of course, this is true for just about any piece of content you’re writing.

Bullet Lists

A “bullet” list is simply a showing of information with the basic dot before them. This is known as an “unordered” list. It appears in no particular order and simply shows information.

To start a list, you need to tell browsers using the tag, “<ul>” for an unordered list. Then, you need to add the “<li>” tag to “list item” for the things you want to show.

Using an Unordered List

This tells the web browser to show the list as the following:

Bullet Lists

Numbered Lists

A numbered list is when you’re showing something in a particular order. For instance, I’ve seen it laid out for steps in recipes, actual chapters in a book, tutorials, and other instances where the number “1” signifies the beginning.

This works much like the unordered list above only that it uses the “<ol>” tag for an “ordered” list.

Using an Ordered List
<li>Buy a Journal</li>
<li>Open the Journal</li>
<li>Start Writing</li>
Numbered List

With this example, people would read the list as:

3. Bolding Text

Adding a bold signifies you want the reader to focus on a specific piece of text. Especially if you’re trying to denote a vital piece of information.

Technically, there are two ways you can add bold to HTML in Textbroker. You can either use the <b> tag or <strong> tag. However, it’s more widely accepted to use the <strong> version today.

Using Bold to Bring Attention to an Action
When using the toaster, <strong>DO NOT</strong> make toast while taking a shower.

You’ve seen that I’ve added a few bold points in this article to emphasize the importance.

Now, you don’t necessarily need to add this HTML to Textbroker orders. However, some clients do request doing so. And in some cases, I find it to be more appealing and adds better understanding to the article.

4. Italicize Text

Adding italics to an article may give it a bit of elegance. Though, it’s not nearly as common as something like bold.

That is unless you’re one of my writers who uses italics quite often.

You use italics for the same reason you want to bold a certain keyphrase…to draw attention to the text. But as you can see, it’s not all that pronounced as the example above.

To add italics, you use the <em> tag for “emphasis.”

Emphasizing "Freelance Writer"
This particular blog focuses on making money as a <em>freelance writer</em>.

In this instance, I am drawing attention to “freelance writer.”

5. Adding Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks, or links, are a bit different when adding them as HTML in Textbroker orders. With links, you start off with the <a href=> tag. Then, you insert the webpage you want surrounded by quotation marks. Then, you close it off with the “>” caret.

Next, you input the text of which you want to create the link.

Afterward, you end using the </a> tag.

So, if you were to link to this blog, it would look like:

<a href=””>WriterSanctuary’s Website</a>

What if the client wants the link to open in a new tab? Then, you’d put _blank after the link’s first quotations and before the last “>” caret.

<a href=”” _blank>

Personally, I set every link to open in a new tab window unless the client specifically asks to not. This helps improve bounce rates and on-page time in Google Analytics.

6. What About Underlines?

Underlining content isn’t all that common of a practice today. That’s because some underlined texts look too much like a link. So, some people may try to click or tap something that is underlined.

However, it is an available feature when writing in Textbroker’s editor.

To create an underlined piece of content, you use the <u> to signify “underline.” Then, you add your text. After that, you close the underline with “</u>” after your word or phrase.

So, if I wanted to underline the importance of WriterSanctuary’s YouTube channel, I would write it in HTML like:

For more information about Textbroker, visit <u>WriterSancutary’s YouTube channel</u>.

This would put an underline under “WriterSanctuary’s YouTube channel” within the phrase. But like I said, it’s not all that common of a practice today because of how closely it does resemble a link.

Using HTML in Textbroker with the Editor

Usually, adding HTML to Textbroker is only required in your initial article when you first start an account. This is so editors know that you’re capable of handling basic HTML.

The editor in Textbroker works just as well and is probably a lot faster after your initial article.

You simply highlight the text you want and click one of the options in the editor. So if you wanted something in bold, you’d click the “B” icon on the left.

Textbroker Editor

However, it’s important to note that the Textbroker editor doesn’t add headings and subheadings. So, you will need to create those yourself.

And speaking from experience, it’s often easier to create bullet lists yourself as well.

Using WordPress to Format HTML for Textbroker Orders

As for me, I input HTML for Textbroker orders as I write. That’s simply because I’ve been using it to code since 1998. It comes second nature and is just easier for me to code as I go.

Which is why I use the WordPress Text screen in the Classic Editor to write ALL content for Textbroker. Plus, I can use Yoast to test the text for readability.

But, you don’t have to hard code HTML if you use WordPress like I do. You can simply highlight the text and click an option, much like Textbroker’s editor.

WordPress Classic Editor

Then, you simply change it to Text or Code view (if you use the Gutenberg Editor), copy the content, and paste it directly into Textbroker’s editor. That’s because the Text view in WordPress converts the HTML elements to coding.


Do You Find HTML in Textbroker a Pain to Implement?

Learning the basics of HTML for Textbroker articles isn’t all that difficult. You can easily write them out on a notepad as a cheat sheet to help you along.

But if you want to learn more about using HTML and the different things you can create, you can check out W3 Schools to learn for free.

I use the site often, especially since I’ve been learning CSS and PHP as of late.

Michael Brockbank
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