Here is the collection of my published works. This will be a continuously growing record of everything I write outside of my blogs. Everything from the fanfiction I create on Wattpad to anything I publish for purchase, I will place it in this area.
I hope you find something you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing.
Keep in mind that this does not include any of the ghostwriting I have completed in the past. That is because technically I have no rights to any of that work. As a result, the extent of my abilities isn’t limited to just what is on this page.
Books Published on Amazon
Short Stories Published on Wattpad
Currently, I am rewriting and finishing VII. It was a project I started back in 2016 and would love to finish. Afterward, I am debating on rewriting the other Wattpad works while diving into a new fan fiction featuring the Fallout universe.
As you can tell, I am interested in a wide range of genres. However, I do like to write fantasy and horror periodically.