Demonstrate To Clients

7 Things You Need to Demonstrate to Clients to Succeed

Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank

Skill and ability go far as a freelancer. However, there is more to being a ghostwriter or any freelance professional than simply knowing the task. In fact, you need to demonstrate more than ability if you want to keep clients coming back. A poor experience by one could ruin your chances for others.

What to Demonstrate to Your Clients

Before I start, keep in mind this list is focused to help writers, especially if you are using or plan to use the Textbroker system. These seven things helped me become the successful ghostwriter I am today.

While these are focused more for writers, they may also be beneficial for other freelance professionals.

One of the most important things to remember is the author pool on the Internet is quite vast. If a client doesn’t like the work you deliver, it’s easy to replace you. As a result, you need to focus on making sure the client wants to continue using your services.

So, what can you do to keep the client interested in you?
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1. Quick Response to Inquiries

From my experience, most clients are going to be business-related. Which means you need to quick to respond during any inquiry. Bear in mind to most of these clients, time is money. And a slow response could indirectly cost the client additional money whether it’s lost sales or ad revenue.

A quick response will demonstrate to the client you are serious about the job. It will also help solidify yourself as a professional in their eyes. And because professionals are more likely shared with client networks, it may also help grow your client base.

This is one of the reasons why I am attached to so many teams in Textbroker. The managers know my abilities, and I am often on the top of the list for new bulk accounts.

2. Quick, But Accurate, Turnaround

Textbroker Jobs In WritingClients appreciate a quick turnaround. Remember, time is money. The faster you are, the more likely the client will come to you again in the future. However, quick means nothing if the work is poorly developed. Be fast and accurate when completing jobs.

Take Textbroker, for example. Most jobs come with a 24 hour timer. Sure, you have one day to complete a 300 word article…but do you really need it? I know some authors who will pick up a job and wait until the last minute to turn it in. Complete the task the moment you pick it up and the client notices your speed.

3. Ability to Comprehend Instructions

Most of the clients I’ve worked with had clear instructions regarding what they wanted. Follow these instructions precisely, even if they don’t make any sense. Clients want work done a specific way, and following the details will demonstrate your ability to adhere to his or her needs.

Unfortunately, you will come across some instructions that are quite questionable. If you’re ever in any doubt, ask. Send the client a message asking for clarification. It’s better to do the job right the first time than to spend days trying to repair it. As a business owner, I always appreciated employees who would ask rather than assume.

4. Respectful Interactions

Always be respectful even if the client is not. It doesn’t bode well to argue with someone regardless of the topic. Smile, wave and move on. I’ve put many clients on my blacklist on Textbroker who showed a blatant disregard for respect. But it’s a two-way street. You need to keep your composure.

Being respectful helps you more than it does the client. It helps you maintain a professional attitude, which will influence your interactions with other clients. Don’t let a troll bring you down to his or her level. Take the high ground and realize you don’t need to deal with an abusive attitude.

5. Knowledge of the Subject Matter

online websiteIt’s nearly impossible to literally know everything. However, clients want someone who has knowledge in the subject matter. If you focus on a specific niche when ghostwriting, take time to read trends and new technologies. It will make you more valuable and help improve your production of such articles.

This is one of the reasons why I have a lucrative retainer right now. I demonstrate my expertise every day, even when approaching apps I’ve never used before. I take the time to learn all I can and even discover a few new things while in the middle of a task. Never assume you know enough, because you can always learn more.

6. Ability to Research Quickly

The more research you do for any piece, the more accurate it becomes. Clients love the idea of getting high-quality material that is relevant and current. That’s why I research every piece I write, even when I know the material inside and out. It’s all about keeping yourself and the client competitive in today’s world.

You never know what modifications, technologies or trends will change with any particular subject. And the faster you conduct this research, the better. Essentially, you’re helping the company look more professional themselves. This often leads to better opportunities and higher pay.

7. Follow Up Connections

Winning Clients
Keep Clients Happy
Follow up with past clients. Let them know you’re still available should they need any work done in the future. This will demonstrate how you’re willing to work. To be successful today, it’s all about building connections and networks. The client might not have work for you, but he or she might know someone who does.

Don’t get annoying with follow-up emails, though. There is building connections and then there is begging. You don’t want to seem desperate for work even if you are. This is a turn off for many clients, and some may even take advantage of it by negotiating a lower price.

Desperation can be terrible aspect of freelancing.

Success Starts With You

If you want to make the most of ghostwriting, you need to express your professionalism any way possible. These methods have been greatly beneficial for me since 2012. I can’t guarantee that you’ll have the same experience. However, these methods will surely improve your chances.

Michael Brockbank
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