A lot of people are diving into self-publishing. Mostly because it’s become incredibly easy to get a book published on sites like Amazon. So, what does it take to self-publish your book?
It’s actually quite easy. The hardest part is writing and editing. One of the goals of WriterSanctuary is to help you along in that process.
Now, when I talk about self-publishing, I’m referring to the process of doing it all yourself.
Diving Into Self-Publishing
There are a lot of aspects to publishing your own book. But I’ll try to make it as easy as possible to help you get yours on the shelf.
There are a lot of tools at your disposal. I’m currently creating a list of all the ones I use to write, edit, market, and promote my books. So, the list of self-publishing tools will continue to grow.
Below are the latest posts regarding self-publishing. If you’re looking for something in particular, use the search icon at the top of the page.
- Why I Don’t Query Agents as an AuthorThe most recognized path to publish a book is through traditional publishing. It’s also common practice to query agents to secure representation. Although there are some great benefits, it’s something that doesn’t interest me overall.
- How to Make Your Characters Seem More RealOne way to draw in your audience is to make your characters appear as real as possible. This helps the reader connect with the characters while caring what happens to them. And if you can make a beta reader cry at someone’s death, you’re doing it right.
- Marketing Your Book: Networking with Other Authors Is KeyAs a self-published author, marketing is perhaps the most difficult part of success. Marketing can suck time and money quickly, especially if you’re new to self-publishing. However, networking with other authors can open doors you never knew were there.
- Review: Is Inkarnate Worth Using for Fantasy Book Maps?Having a map of your lands as a fantasy author is a virtual necessity. I know it would have saved me a lot of aggravation while writing Kingmaker. But is Inkarnate a good map maker to use for fantasy books with a lot of detail?
- How I Write More Than 2,000 Words Per Day During SprintsEveryone writes at their own pace. While some of us can easily crank out 2,000 words per day, others take their time and write a couple of hundred. It also depends on how many distractions you have in front of you.