Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank
I know, you’re probably tired of me broadcasting goals for 2021 by now. I’ve done two videos on YouTube and a few posts here and there recently. But today, I’m going into detail regarding what goals will look like for WriterSanctuary specifically.
Keep in mind, I also have several other sites that I am working on as well. So, each one is going to be quite different.
And to be honest, putting these goals out there for the world to see helps give me motivation to see them through. Especially given my new-found self and wanting to be more than I am.
What Are the Goals for 2021?
This is an example of the kinds of things I want to accomplish in 2021. Perhaps you can use them to give yourself a bit of motivation or perhaps some insight into how I am going to manage this blog.
In any case, I’m truly looking forward to what 2021 has in store.
Steady Blog Content
First of all, I am committing to a steady flow of content for the blog. This helps a website in various ways, such as:
- Giving people an idea of when to expect published pieces.
- Demonstrates to Google the site is constantly in motion.
- Expands the search terms I can rank for by adding more, high-quality content.
- Boost authority and online reputation.
By maintaining a writing schedule in Asana, I can keep track of the articles I plan to write on specific days. And although I don’t have the time to schedule a new article every day, I can still get them out on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
And according to Google Analytics, people are more active on the website between 10 and 11 am. So, I’ll schedule the posts to come out at 10:30.
Another aspect of getting more blog content out are the goals I have for writing more words in 2021 than I did in 2020.
Steady Video Content
If I would have put as much effort into the YouTube channel as I did the blog, I’d probably be in the Partnership Program by now. At any rate, I want to have a steady flow of videos coming out for the same reasons as above.
I’m still working on improving that content, such as looking at new cameras and putting in the effort to research what people want to watch.
Again, I’m using Asana to track when I make videos to publish three times a week. Although vidIQ says that most people watch my videos between 9 and 11 pm, I’m sticking with the 6:30 pm publishing.
Expanding Affiliate Options
While I didn’t build WriterSanctuary to be a money maker, it would be nice if I could afford to do this full-time. And part of bringing in enough to do just that is through affiliate marketing.
The hard part, though, is finding affiliates that are right for this blog’s niche. After all, I don’t want to add just anything.
Of course, this means creating some great landing pages and expanding what I already do for those affiliates. And I’m coming up with a plan to use those landing pages in the video descriptions on YouTube.
But with YouTube’s guidelines, I need to jump through a few hoops first.
Plus, I’m going to watch a few videos to see if they give me any ideas.
Adding Adverisement Options
I recently toyed around with Advanced Ads in a blog post and on video, and I use it plenty on this site. So, I think I’m going to invest in the plugin. It’s an awesome tool, and by getting the “all access” version, I can sell ad space directly.
This means I can cut out the middle-man of Google and possibly make more money per click…because that’s probably how I’ll sell the ad space in most cases.
The fun part is doing a bit of research and coming up with decent prices for a site this size versus what brands pay Google ads.
Possible eBooks in the Works?
I’ve been playing around with writing a few eBooks about freelance writing, blogging, and WordPress. And I’m really leaning on the side of actually finishing them.
Though, I feel a bit odd charging people for the information that I give away freely. I’m not as much of a capitalist as many other creators…which isn’t a bad thing, really.
Wouldn’t you like to get paid for something you’re good at and love doing?
Writing books has always been a part of my goals almost every year. I just need to sit down and get it done.
I’ll probably start with shorter pieces available only to Buy Me a Coffee supporters. But, I’m also debating on putting them on the blog itself as a digital book sale.
We’ll have to see how everything unfolds, but this is one of those goals that may or may not happen.
Perhaps a New Theme?
I love my theme, but I’m wondering if it’s time for a change. All good things must come to an end, and perhaps a new layout would improve visitor engagement and performance.
I just really like the magazine style of the homepage’s layout.
One thing I can do is run a few speed tests to see where I can make performance adjustments. Tools like Pingdom Speed Test will break down every segment of the site while showing you the slowest bits.
Goals Don’t Matter without Follow Through
You can plan out every single moment of your life in 2021. But it won’t matter much if you don’t have the commitment and drive to make those things happen.
Recently, I thought my boasting of setting up goals for the new year was going to come up empty, like all many of my other challenges, case studies, and plans. This time around, though, it is really different.
I have a new sense of self and accomplishment. It happened rather quickly, and things are just coming together.
For the first time in years, I truly believe that I have full control over what’s going to happen next. I’m not as depressed as I was, and I am starting to feel like I did when I ran the Iliff Computer Center back in 2008.
Like nothing can stop me.
It’s a good feeling, especially when you have so many goals for success in the upcoming year.
But like I said, none of the planning will matter unless I push to make it happen.
Let’s Take 2021 By Force of Effort!
I wanted 2020 to be my breakout year. But between the pandemic and a slew of personal issues, it wasn’t the awesomeness I had planned. Then again, this website has more than doubled its traffic in the last 12 months.
At any rate, let’s all take 2021 by storm and put in the effort to be more than we are. All it truly takes is putting in the effort to get things moving.
Even if you do one extra thing today that surpassed yesterday, it’s still a victory and moving yourself in the right direction to meet your goals.
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