Ah, the trolls of the Internet. You know, I kind of feel bad for them, really. Nothing to do but waste time commenting on everything. Still, you can’t deny how trolling can cause someone to start second-guessing a blog post. They are effective, to say the least.
One thing that trolls don’t understand, though, is context. You see this a lot, especially on social media. But, you still don’t want to deal with it on your site, right?
Luckily, there are plenty of things you can consider when cranking out content. Especially if you’re pushing as hard as you can to meet 90 blog posts in 30 days while maintaining your full-time job.
I mean, seriously, some of us have an incredible amount of stuff on our plates.
Are You Second-Guessing Your Blog Post?
One of the easiest triggers for a writer with impostor syndrome is when someone points out something the writer created as being poorly written. Depending on the creator, it can be ultimately debilitating.
Before you start to tie yourself in a knot because of a comment, though, consider the following.
Editing Your Own Work is Difficult
As a writer, blogger, or novelist, it’s never a good idea to edit your own work. This is because of a myriad of reasons ranging from being too close to the piece to how the brain is wired.
There is a reason why every successful author has an editor on staff. Because there are a lot of things that will slip through the cracks, especially when it comes to blogging.
Now, there are ways you can improve your editing skills. But at the end of the day, there’s still a good chance you’ll make mistakes editing your writing.
You’re only human.
Is it a Critique or Trolling?
Something else you should think about before second-guessing your blog post is whether the comment is a real critique or trolling. There is a massive difference between the two, and understand which is which can alleviate a lot of stress.
An actual critic will tell you why something is bad in detail in a way to help you grow. A troll will just comment how something sucks without giving a solid reason.
It’s easy to confuse the two depending on the person writing the comment.
Just bear in mind that not all negative comments are coming from a place of genuine hate.
Let He Who Is Without Sin…
I’m not religious by any stretch of the imagination. However, this saying does hold a lot of weight. It means that unless you’ve never made a mistake, you shouldn’t point out the mistakes of others.
What I like is when a troll tries to point bad spelling and grammar when the comment itself is full of them. If you’re not an editor by trade, you have no right to point out anyone else’s errors.
This is far more predominantly on social media. But, occasionally, the same trolls will find their way to your blog. When you’re online, there’s just no getting around it.
Not Everyone is Correct When Pointing Out Errors
Another detail you should keep in mind is that anyone who comments isn’t always correct. In fact, I’ve found it to be about a 50/50 split in most cases.
This will sometimes happen from people who are genuinely trying to critique the piece. It’s because they think they are correct and simply haven’t been properly educated.
In a lot of instances, people have prompted me into second-guessing a blog post to the point where I research the issue thoroughly. And while some people have helped correct the post, I’ve found more who were completely wrong.
Before you trash the entire article, take a moment to see if someone is correct or not. This leads me to…
Don’t Take Offense, Reread the Piece
Try not to take immediate offense when someone complains about your content. Reread the piece to see if there are errors you’ve missed since publishing.
In actuality, it’s much easier for a creator to find errors the longer he or she is away from the content. That’s because it’s no longer fresh in your mind.
I find all kinds of grammatical errors in my work when doing revamps and rewrites. It happens to all of us. I’ve even read a few of Neil Patel’s articles that had an error or two.
This brings me to my next point…
Perfection Isn’t Always Possible
I’m sorry, but no writer or blogger can offer absolute perfection. It’s why many will hire editors. And even then, some things will slip past the editors as well.
Sure, it can be embarrassing. I know I’ve made a couple of doozies in my day. But keep in mind that no one is perfect.
This is something trolls try to capitalize on. By pointing out how the blog post isn’t perfect, they can make you begin second-guessing your work.
You can try your best, implement the best practices you can, and even use an editing system like Grammarly. In the end, though, perfection just isn’t always possible.
Even grammar software isn’t always 100% accurate.
You Can’t Please 100% of the People 100% of the TIme
Perhaps my favorite saying when dealing with trolls is that you cannot please 100% of the people 100% of the time. People are going to hate for the sake of hating.
Just remember that you are writing for your target audience and others who appreciate your work. A troll has no interest other than trying to make you feel bad or instigate conflict.
To be honest, I’ve made more money trying to help people on this blog than I have from trolls. And that’s the truth of it all. A troll won’t help you further your career, so why worry about what he or she has to say?
As long as people are still consuming your content, buying your products, or taking your advice, that’s all that really matters.
Negativity Will Always Be a Thing
Because of the nature of the Internet, it’s virtually impossible to exist online without facing negativity for one thing or another. The unfortunate reality is online activity has just given people a bigger soapbox to stand on.
As a writer or blogger, you’ve got to develop a bit of a thick skin. Because people are often ruthless and will do everything in their power to justify their own sense of false righteousness.
Though, it’s always a good idea to consider constructive criticism if and when it happens. There are a lot of smart people out there who truly do want to help you improve your skills.
Just make sure you’re not taking troll comments to heart. It’s just not worth the stress, especially when you’re working as hard as you can to make something great in this world.
It’s the sad state of things that even the most helpful of people are the target of ridicule. It’s just one of those things you have to live with as a creator.
Second Guessing Your Blog Post Can Cause Issues
So, before you stress over the meaning behind a troll’s comments, take a breath. There could be a number of reasons that trigger someone to leave a negative comment.
It doesn’t always have to be about you.
When you internalize it, though, you start second-guessing a lot more about your blog aside from the post. It can detract from productivity and start to leave a sour taste in your mouth about the creative process.
Don’t let the trolls disrupt what could be a promising career.
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