Healthy Habits for a Writer

How Healthy Habits Improve Your Ability as a Writer

Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank

Is it worth implementing healthy habits as a writer? Absolutely! In fact, good physical and mental health can greatly impact your overall abilities whether you’re a blogger or a freelance writer. But we can also go a bit further and create some productive habits as well.

Don’t get me wrong, you can still become somewhat successful without actually creating good habits for yourself. Nonetheless, practicing some healthy habits will make a massive difference in your life, overall.

In fact, I’ve found a great deal of success coinciding with the amount of weight I’ve lost over the years. Though, this is more attributed to better eating habits and increasing physical activity.

What Are Some Healthy Habits a Writer Should Create?

Creating good habits to help a writing career is virtually dependent on the creator. This means that all writers have a set pattern of behavior that works best for them.

However, there are some habits that are based on science that can impact your success, overall. And I can say with certainty that these habits have helped me build an incredible career since 2012.

Here are 7 of the best healthy habits every writer should implement:

1. Establish a Block of Time to Write

One of the most influential things that have helped me stay afloat since I began writing professionally has been having a specific block of time to write.

At first, I simply changed my work schedule from nights to mornings so I could communicate with business clients directly. Nowadays, I have a schedule set up in Asana where I have specific blocks of time created for specific projects.

This helps me get into the right mindset throughout the day and keeps me productive.

This is all part of a way to alleviate stress. When I have a specific flow, I’m no longer stressing about getting things done. I simply focus on those blocks of time and move on.

2. Changing the Way You Eat

Your eating habits can influence your writing career. Actually, the types of foods you eat can influence just about everything in your life.

For instance, some studies suggest how Omega-3s found in fish can affect those with mental issues. This includes reducing mood swings and bipolar disorders. And if there is one organ in your body that directly affects your ability to write, it’s the brain.

In fact, there is a cornucopia of food that can boost brain power in a variety of ways. Take berries, for example. Studies show how berries decrease oxidative stress in various parts of the brain.

The point is that healthy eating can impact your mental abilities over time, which translates to improved memory and cognitive function.

3. Getting in Physical Activity Every Day

Fitness isn’t just a means to get that beach body or to look good on social media. In reality, physical fitness also contributes to brain health.

There have been multiple studies conducted by nearly every reliable scientific community that demonstrates how physical activity boosts the performance of the human brain.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you’ll whip out a novel comparable to War and Peace after a 20-minute walk around the neighborhood. However, physical activity does impact your ability to think, reason, and remember all while being able to process information faster.

Speaking from experience, I usually get my best ideas while walking around the backyard or shortly after a 20-minute, HIIT session to work up a sweat.

4. Getting Enough Rest at Night

Sleep is ultra important to the overall health of the human body. Sleep deprivation can lead to a wide range of physical and mental issues ranging from high blood pressure to hallucinations.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get a decent night’s rest. For instance, my bed feels like sleeping on a plank of wood and is on my list to replace in the very near future.

Even with a poor bed, I still find that I am more alert, energized to write, and clear-minded on days when I actually sleep longer than five hours.

The bottom line is that the average human adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night. Getting into a healthy habit of sleeping will positively impact your career as a writer.

5. Don’t Forget to Take Breaks

Too many people get wrapped up in hustle culture. You don’t need to burn yourself out in order to be successful. The harder you push yourself, the more stress you’re under. The more stress you’re under, the more mistakes you’ll make and it’ll ultimately affect your ability to write.

Now, the best time to take breaks is really up to the individual. However, a lot of writers find success by keeping track of their ultradian rhythm. It’s kind of like your biorhythm but for being productive in any task you’re performing.

I find a 30-minute break after a two-hour block of writing time works brilliantly. I’m more effective at my job and usually write an average of about 6,000 words per day. This has been a pivotal element in my current writing practices.

The point is that getting into the habit of taking regular breaks gives you a chance to unwind, destress, and relax before taking on the next chunk of time.

6. Never Assume Instant Success

Perhaps one of the most important habits that are healthy for a writer is to never expect everything to be successful from the get-go. I’ve seen a lot of writers believe the first draft is “good enough.”

Thanks to the Internet and social media, too many people have the habit of expecting instant results. In the real world, this just doesn’t happen. Sure, there are a few things that wind up going viral. But it’s not as common as you might think…and not always for a positive reason.

Get out of the habit of thinking everything you create is going to be golden. Even those who have extremely popular blogs will have content that just doesn’t perform as well as another topic.

7. Learn When to Say, “No”

One of the hardest healthy habits this writer has a problem developing is being able to tell people “no” when there is work to be done. Working from home, a lot of people will assume that I can drop everything I’m doing for some trivial chore.

Or, people will often interrupt your day to go do something else, such as get coffee or go shopping.

As a writer, you need to write. Every moment you spend away from actually hammering out words is one that you’re not getting paid for or one that takes away from your goals.

It’s difficult to say “no,” sometimes. But if you don’t learn, it’ll be harder to reach greater levels of success. Especially if everyone seems to want more of your time while you’re writing.

Health and Fitness are Vastly Important

Health and fitness go well beyond showing off muscles or having the glutes to show off on Instagram. They are important facets of expanding expectancy while improving quality of life.

Unfortunately, not everyone sees the value of fitness and what it can do for you in any chosen career path.

Now, I’m not saying that you absolutely have to get into shape if you want to be a good writer. Nonetheless, improving your overall health will make a valuable contribution when you’re cranking out that next blog post or working on your next manuscript.

For me, it’s all about keeping my heart from stopping. I have a lot I want to write, and I don’t want my time cut too short.

Developing health habits can go a long way to helping you become the best writer you can be. Especially if you plan on making it a long-term career.

As I said earlier, I’ve experienced a great deal of success over the year coinciding with losing weight and increasing my physical activity. It’s one of the big reasons why I am continuing to work on my health, in general.

Probably one of the easiest healthy habits that should deliver almost immediate results for a writer is that of getting a good night’s rest. It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you get a decent amount of sleep. So, you should probably start there and work your way up.

What Healthy Habits Do You Have as a Writer?

There are a lot of things that can help you as a writer. Everything from spending hours learning to perfect your craft to the habits you create, they will all benefit you in the end.

Think of it like training. Every sports star out there spends hours every day making sure they are the best they can be. Are you doing the same for yourself?

What kind of habits have you developed to promote yourself as a writer?

Michael Brockbank
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