part time job

Freelance Writing as a Part Time Job

Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank

Although the economy in the United States seems to be improving in various areas, there are still many families and individuals that need a supplemental part time job to pay a few bills. When I was working as tech support for the school district, I wasn’t making enough money to support my family as the pay was less than ideal. If you like to write and need to make a few extra dollars each week, online freelance work may be very beneficial to your household budget.
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The Benefits of Part Time Freelance Writing for a Few Extra Dollars

Freelance writing from home isn’t as difficult as many may think. While you do need to have a decent command of the English language, most orders that people need completed are simple blog posts. Personally, I use TextBroker quite extensively for my freelance writing income. For those that need to pad their wallet, pay for gas, or take care of some other bills throughout the week, freelance writing may be what you’re look for as a part time job. What are some benefits to working from home part time as a freelancer?

  • You make the hours you want to work
  • Some sites such as TextBroker pay out weekly
  • Most work for freelance writing is easy to complete
  • There is great possibility for considerable income
  • You can work from virtually anywhere
  • You Don’t need a college degree

Making the Hours You Want to Work
As a home-based freelancer working part time, you can make the hours you want. Not every part time job is able to work around your primary job’s schedule making it difficult to find secondary work. You can work as little or as much as you need in order to compensate for the few bills that need to be paid.

Getting Paid on a Weekly Basis
Some sites such as TextBroker issue payments to writers every Friday morning. While the agreement you sign states it could take several days, I have never had to wait beyond 10 in the morning on a Friday for pay since I started January of 2011. Others may pay out once per month such as Still, any income beyond what you’re making now could be considered a bountiful part time job.

Most Work for Freelance Writing is Easy
For the most part, clients looking for part time freelancers need simple blog posts that contain keywords or specific facts. Depending on your typing skills and your grasp of AP style writing, these can be quite easy to complete. There are clients that have convoluted instructions regarding a certain style or topic, but most work I have come across have been simple and easy to research.

Great Possibility of Considerable Income
If you have good typing skills and grammar usage, you can make quite a bit as a freelance writer. On average for 2014, I made $0.27 per minute of actual work. If I sit down and write an order for a client for one hour, I can easily make $16.20. For my family, that one hour could put gas in the van for the next two days. If clients and team leaders like your work, you could be invited to opportunities that make far more money.

Working from Virtually Anywhere
One of the aspects to freelance writing online that I find particularly attractive is the ability to write from anywhere I have an Internet connection. This means when I go on a weekend vacation during the Holidays to meet up with the in-laws at a hotel 200 miles from home, I can still be productive and write an order or two before meeting up at the pool.

No Need for a College Degree
While a college education regarding English or other writing course may be beneficial, it’s not necessary. Personally, I went to college for graphic design but still wound up succeeding as a freelance writer.

When I first started writing for TextBroker, I was happy making an extra $50 to $100 per week as a part time job to help offset child support payments. Since I wasn’t making much money at the school district, any bonus income on a weekly basis was quite beneficial. Now, I have turned that part time freelance work into a full time career and have opportunities thrown at me from clients and teams. I’ve also spent the last two-and-a-half years perfecting my abilities. Still, it may be worth your time to see if it’s something you can do. Instead of an hour in front of the television feeling sorry for yourself, spend that time writing for a paying client.

Legitimate part time work from home is easy enough to find if you’re interested. Although I have had a great deal of success as a writer, clients are looking for all kinds of skills online. You don’t need to be restricted to finding a second job in the immediate area. Spend a few hours researching part time online jobs for yourself. You may find opportunities you’ve never considered before.

Michael Brockbank
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