Looking for some free information about writing? Perhaps you’re looking for a detailed tutorial about how to build a website. Here is my collection for free guides that anyone can use.
In this section, you’ll find content for anything related to writing that I’ll share for free. All that I ask is that you consider sharing this page or the website itself with friends and family.
These free guides are usually over 3,000 words total in length. I try to put in as much information I can to ensure you walk away knowing more than when you started.[adrotate banner=”8″]
Free Guides:
Blogging |
Starting a Blog for Business |
This page is constantly growing as time permits. I am usually pretty busy nowadays, but I’ll try to help you as best I can.
If you want to suggest more free guides on this website, feel free to use the Contact Form to send me a message. I’ll take any serious inquiries seriously. You can also reach me through social media.
What about creating PDF or eBook files to download?
In the near future, I plan on publishing these guides on this site as digital downloads. The trick is finding the time to set them up and create a nice place for them to site at WriterSanctuary.
What kind of writing materials are planned for the future?
These free guides will include everything I’ve learned as a freelance writer, WordPress user and author. I want to provide you, the reader, with the best information possible. That means I need to plan each one thoroughly.
Will any of these guides be available on the YouTube Channel?
As soon as I have more time, I plan on creating YouTube videos of these free guides. The current problem is that I am usually tapped for time throughout the day. However, it’s a definite plan for the future.
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