01/31/2013 – A Disappointing Week for Money

Last Updated on by Michael Brockbank

This last week has been somewhat disappointing for my productivity.  Even though I joined a new team that pays nearly twice what my best client does, I still only managed to squeeze out $202.  This wasn’t from the lack of available work, but from the lack of available time.  Between being sick, back problems, and vehicle troubles I was only able to produce 1.78 hours per day writing.

In order to make a enough money to cover a full-time income, I would need to write at least five hours per day.  Essentially, I could start writing at 8 am and be done for the day by 1 pm.  However, that is only around $75 per day, which is more than what I make in the same amount of time at my part-time job.  There is quite a bit of money to be made, if I only had more time and better management skills.

I enjoy writing articles and blog posts quite a bit.  However, I can see why my wife has reservations about me quitting my part-time job and writing as a freelance ghostwriter full-time.  I have an issue with distractions.  Today, I was distracted with sick children, a sore back, a truck that died on me at the gas station, and even Netflix.  The computer is going to be my biggest distraction, ironically since it is what I need in order to be successful.  I do have plans, however.  I have a computer here that has a bad sound card and am thinking of hooking it up in the bedroom so I can write without being tempted to watch Deep Space 9 or play a game or two.

This week I realized that if I want to be a continuing success at freelance writing, I need to put more time into it.  Although some of these past few days I didn’t have much of a choice, there are still plenty others that I wind up wasting an hour or two with YouTube or Netflix in between articles.  I need to keep focused and complete my daily goals for income before immersing myself in diversions.

I’ve decided to talk to my part-time employer tomorrow and offer my resignation.  February will be my last month as a low-paid IT support specialist.  I have higher aspirations than that and will conquer my flaws in order to be the best freelance writer I can possibly be.  After all, that is what life’s about.  Never settling for being mediocre, but continued improvement of yourself.  By improving myself, I am providing a better quality of work to my clients, which can increase my pay.  And all of this is possible because I didn’t give up a year ago when I was only making $20 to $30 extra per week.

Never give up, never surrender!

Michael Brockbank
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